IHRB Course Manager
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About Institute for Human Rights & Business
Founded in 2009, IHRB is the leading international think tank on business and human rights. IHRB’s mission is to shape policy, advance practice, and strengthen accountability in order to make respect for human rights part of everyday business. IHRB’s focus areas are diverse and reflect some of the most important and emerging human rights issues facing business.
IHRB serves as an independent voice on human rights and business issues around the world, including holding special consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC). We produce in depth reports, practical briefings, and regular commentaries. We provide trusted and impartial advice to governments, businesses, and international organisations. We bring together leading experts with diverse stakeholders to discuss timely subjects on the business and human rights agenda.
Collaboration and innovation are core to IHRB’s mission. Our partnerships range from one-off topical convenings to multi-year programmes. We work directly with business leaders, government officials, international organisations, civil society, and others to evaluate the effectiveness of policies, practices, and responses. We also catalyse new initiatives dedicated to filling gaps in key areas or regions requiring leadership, partnership, and targeted intervention.
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